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Support of the organism that expresses sudden mood transitions, indecisiveness and lack of self-control.


November 20, 2021


Active substance to be used as starting raw material for the compounding of officinal homeopathic medicine, according to the official homeopathic pharmacopoeias, without indications / conclusive description resulting from repertorizing:

Support of the organism that expresses sudden mood transitions, indecisiveness and lack of self-control.

Dosage: 3 tablets every day orally.

Specific information:

Side-effects never manifested. No homeopathic medicine has ever been recalled from circulation due to side-effects or adverse effects.

Homeopathic medicines have never manifested synergy when administered simultaneously with any chemical or other medicine.


Before starting any non prescription drug your health condition must be recently fully examined and diagnosed clinicaly and laboratory so as not to be any need for further examination.

Attention: Consult your physician immediately if symptoms persist or worsen.


Product Description

Scientific documentation:

1. Repertorizing hints as of appendix a:

General, lassitude / mind, emotion, lamenting,
bemoaning, wailing/ mind, behavior, activity,
alternating with, dullness, exhaustion, inability
to think, indifference, contradict, disposition to,
fastidious, hurry, haste, irrational, obstinate,
headstrong, rush, restless, nervous, selfish,
timid, yielding/ mental or physical shock,
weakness from / mind, will, best, wants to be the,
discouraged, alternating with, anger, confidence,
courage, exaltation, exuberance, haughtiness,
hope, irritability, quarrelsomeness / mind, will,
initiative, lack of / mind, will, irresolution,
indecision, accomplish or finish anything, acts in,
changeable, begins a task and before its finished
takes up another, ideas in, marry to, projects in,
trifles about, persists in nothing, / mind, behavior,
activity, alternating with, dullness, exhaustion,
inability to think, indifference, indolence, activity,
debility with physical, hyperactive, increased
excessively, restless, sleeplessness with / mind,
behavior, irrational, alternating with rationality
/ mind, behavior, self-controlled, self-control,
alternating with loss of self-control, loss of,
want to control himself, serious, seriousness,
earnest, alternating with, cheerfulness, laughing
/ mind, thought-perception, dullness, sluggishness,
difficulty of thinking and comprehending,
alternating with, clearness of mind, vivacity, work,
desire for, pessimist, pessimism /

2. Materia medica reference as of appendix b

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