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Staff Training & Wellbeing


Each year, employees are trained in the applicable quality policies as well as other practices according to their work region or job description, in order to ensure compliance with internal regulations as well as local legislation and GMP guidelines.

Our sales staff are trained regularly according to our code of conduct, and provided with supplementary training on responsible marketing policies.

Blesstia does not tolerate behavior that is unethical, illegal or dishonest. Our sales and marketing staff members are required to comply with the laws and regulatory guidelines concerning our sector.

Staff Wellbeing and Safety

Protecting our employees’ safety, health and wellbeing is a "must" according to Blesstia’s approach to responsibility and success. For the employees' benefit, as well as ours, we encourage and assist our employees and their families to lead healthy lifestyles, as studies show a direct correlation between operators’ lifestyles and their degree of involvement and productivity at work.


Our employees are the most important corporate asset of Blesstia and they form the core of our corporate culture as a family-like operated company that builds on mutual respect and fairness.

We require and encourage the managers and employees to devote the required attention, effort and resources needed to put these policies into practice. Special educational and training programs in the area of work related stress control are offered gratis by Blesstia to our employees of all levels.

People are at the heart of everything we do; as life progresses and evolves, we strive to keep populations healthy so as to meet the future challenges dynamically.

The needs of Healthcare have changed and will continue to do so, and as an industry we have to constantly adapt and keep our employees healthy and satisfied, in order to meet these needs.

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